Monday, November 5, 2012

NEW Books-a-Fire Giveaway for November 2012
This fall get ready to load your Kindle with great books by 11 awesome authors in the Books-a-Fire Giveaway! You have the opportunity to win a New Kindle Paperwhite as well as Amazon Gift Cards and bundles of books from November 3 to November 17, 2012.  The website address is:
Here are the details:
§   There is NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter the contest to win a Kindle Paperwhite loaded with 11 e-books by the sponsoring authors. 
§   You may enter once at the Books-a-Fire website and enter again at each author's website.  Links to sponsoring authors' websites are included with each book pictured on the main website.  That gives everyone 12 free chances to win!
§  The contest starts Nov. 3, 2012 and ends at midnight Eastern Time Zone on Nov. 17, 2012.
§   The grand prize winner will be notified by e-mail and we will post the results on the Books-a-Fire website.
§  Additional prizes of one $50 gift card, two $25 gift cards, and two bundles of books by sponsoring authors will also be awarded during the contest.
§  Although buying a book does not increase your chances of winning, we encourage you to browse the books of the authors who sponsor this contest and buy the ones you like.  Visit their websites to see more books.  Choose from a variety of genres, sure to please everyone on your list. 
§ What are you waiting for? Head on over to http://www.booksafire.comk and kindle your reading fires!